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Paul, One of your articles happened to have the exact same verbage as an article I submitted to one of the ezine publishers. The reason was that it was taken from one of my MLM Tip of the day emails sent out in Dec of 2012. My ezine account was suspended, because they think I plagiarized your article. The funny thing is that when I visited your site, I noticed that many (if not all) of your blog posts were actually my MLM Tips, but you did not give me credit. That's illegal. I'm a nice guy with great patience, so you can do one of two things: Either go through all your posts that you "borrowed" from me and give me credit with a link to or remove all of the articles that are actually mine. I will give you 5 days to respond and let me know what you are going to do. If I don't hear from you within the 5 days, I'll be forced to turn it over to my attorney. I hope to hear from you soon. - Rod Nichols
ReplyDeletegud day sir.nichols i just turn it down ,sorry for what i have than,but i learn my lesson also learn much i all the mlm tips that you share,god bless