The Paul Natic is a blog about starting and running an online side-business while you’re working a full-time job. You’ll get simple, actionable steps that will help you make some money on the side without wasting a lot of time and energy.

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Hi, my name is Paul and I’ve been a part-time webpreneur for the past 2 years.A graduate student at SACLI , and a blogger. Ever since I got my first job, I’ve always had some side business idea going on. Mainly to make some extra income on the side, but also to learn about intriguing new ventures. I’ve failed a lot more times than I’ve succeeded, and I’ve learned a ton about what works and what doesn’t. I’m also an avid reader of blogs and books about entrepreneurship, productivity, and business. On this blog, II’ve made, and have a much more successful ride.

Now Please Read This Here are a few facts that you should know: 

I’m not an expert: “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” – Niels Bohr. I certainly don’t qualify for that statement. I also haven’t made a million dollars on the side (yet ), so take my advice with a grain of salt. 

No “get rich quick” schemes: People usually want a “fast and easy” way to make money. Unfortunately, making money online is slower and harder than what most people think it takes. My objective is to hopefully make it a little bit faster and easier for you – especially if you’re busy with a full-time job. 

My audience is my family: When I post something on my blog, I think of my closest family members and friends as my readers. This means I will be 100% transparent about any affiliations and disclosures. I would never recommend a product or service to my brother if I don’t think it’s worth it (or if it can be found elsewhere for free ). You have my pledge that you’ll get the same treatment. 100 is better than 100,000: Just like any aspiring blogger, I’d love to have 100,000 subscribers on this blog. However, I’d much rather have 100 active subscribers than a gazillion passive ones. My goal is to build a community of like-minded individuals: folks who are working hard at their jobs, are interested in making some money on the side, and like to share their experiences along the way. 

So join me by entering your email below!
The people behind  are dedicated network marketers with a whole lot of Internet and online marketing experience, who would like nothing more than to be your mentors in the exciting and lucrative world of network marketing, MLM, and direct selling. We have many years of successful experience making money and being our own bosses, and would like to share what we’ve learned with you so that you can also achieve financial freedom. We hope that once you achieve success in this field, you will also wish to help others do what you have done. We offer free training online and in-person for those in our network or thinking about joining our network. There is no cost to you – only the opportunity to learn just how much network marketing can offer you. Please feel free to contact us any time via our contact page. Thank you, and we wish you all the best in your selling and marketing!